Email Notifications

This help section will explain ho to set up email notifications in SiteMonitor Enterprise. The configuration highly depends on your email provider. Please check instructions from your email provider on how to set up email connectivity.


Enter SMTP Server in the SMTP server would be something like
You can also include port such as
Email From and Email To should contain valid email addresses. You can use the same address in both fields.
The Email To field contains the address that will receive the notification.

SMTP with Credentials

Enter SMTP Server in the SMTP server would be something like
You can also include port such as
If the SMTP server uses SSL please tick the checkbox.
Email From and Email To should contain valid email addresses. You can use the same address in both fields.
The Email To field contains the address that will receive the notification.
Enter your username and password to connect to the SMTP Server.


The GMail option lets you use the popular GMail account. Simply enter the to email address who will receive the notifications, then your Gmail username and password in the boxes specified.